Thursday, July 16, 2009

just bro-in' it the fuck out, bro

And we have a winner: best fucking-non-CL-blog ever:

" As angry as a bro might get, he is equally proud the next morning when he is able to tell everyone that he got kicked out. Anytime you are too drunk and out of control to the point where you are not allowed to be somewhere is what being a bro is all about. Additionally, bro points can be earned by forcing multiple bouncers to escort you out, being banned from the establishment for life, and most importantly, the more ridiculous the place you are kicked out of the more bro points you earn."

I know we have haven't had many posts in the last few days but wow, did the CL bounce back with a vengenance.

You're welcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Bro Jackson. Fuck Bro haters.