Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Looks like that Botox infused loud mouth asshat of a clown Mr Jerry Jones is feeling the pinch of the credit markets.


Here are a couple savvy financial tips I can offer:

1. When estimating the cost of a new stadium (and receiving huge subsidies), don't be off by $550,000,000.

2. When making an investment with public money that will cost over a billion dollars, you might want to find a way to hedge your interest rate risk.

You can't expect a billionaire mogul from Texas to understand concepts taught in undergraduate finance. Or even realize that he should employ someone who is not a total doofus.

In an unrelated matter, Dallas currently is in last place and has a 2.50% chance of making the playoffs, where they have not won a game since DeMarcus Ware was 14 years old.

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