Friday, December 19, 2008

"those are IOUs, they're just as good as money"

Haha this is awesome. Its typical this time of year to hear lots of hubbub about the excessive Wall St bonuses paid out to bankers. As a former banker myself, I find this clever plan by Credit Suisse perfectly ironic.

"The bank will use leveraged loans and commercial mortgage- backed debt, some of the securities blamed for generating the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, to fund executive compensation packages"

Basically, banks fucked up by writing shitty loans and packaging them into securities that they thought were much, much less risky than the loans themselves (in theory). Turns out someone egghead forgot to carry the one and now we're in a fucking recession.

Thanks for all you help douchey McBankerson, here is your much deserved holiday bonus. Whats that? No, no, no its just like cash, just much less valuable and liquid. Happy Holidays!

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