Monday, January 5, 2009


This is the time of year when everyone comes up with BS resolutions to delude themselves into a false commitment to personal improvement. Here is my advice for your resolution (well not yours per se since you obviously have well above average intelligence since you read the CL; this only applies to people who watch the Hills and other morons sucking up our oxygen):

Why not fucking kill yourself already? (Wow the CL is coming strong with it in '09 son!)

I bring this up since we are in a huge global recession. When resources are scarce, we could use less donkey ass, mouth breathing Cowboy fans sucking up valuable scarce resources. Beast ass logic? Check.

I even got the perfect plan to make your ritual sacrifice make you look kind of badass: glue your hands to your face after you hang a noose made with razorwire. When you jump, the wire cuts your head off but leaves your hands glued on making it look like you tore your own fucking head off. Badass way to go.

I won't even steal it from you since I've got plently of years to go before I end up like this guy, which we all know is more than inevitable.

Happy 2009 fuckers!

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