Alaska. Huge bamma ass state. Let's run through what they bring to the table:
Ted Stevens. This 144 year old asshole has been screwing taxpayers like you and me for years by driving pork barrel projects to his bamma ass state. Along the way, he decided that he was not fucking over voters enough and he decided to brazenly abuse his post by accepting (and not reporting) a butt load of gifts ($$$) from firms looking for political favors. Glad to see he might pay for his crimes following his recent conviction.
Sarah Palin. Possibly the worst running mate pick ever. She looks so embarassingly confused by simple questions from journalists that her handlers have restricted access to her by the evil 'gotcha' media to the largest possible extent. She has no foreign policy experience whatsoever (the fact that her supporters point to Russia's proximity to Alaska was a slap in the face to anyone with an IQ over 12) and seems to lack basic understanding of the largest problems that our nation currently faces. Bamma.
Any other notable Alaskans who are not medicore ballplayers or lame folk singers? No??
This Bamma ass state is cold to the point of being uninhabitable and doesn't even get sunshine for a few months every year. The fucking sun even needs a break from the dickheads there and abandons the state a couple months every year.
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