Friday, October 10, 2008

Sunday Sunday Sunday!

This Sunday I will be attending a football match to witness my favorite squadron compete. It should be a pleasant afternoo - - O my god who am I fucking kidding I am mother fucking fired up son! We are gonna fuck shit up!

We are giving 14 points to the laughing stock of the NFL, the St. Louis Rams. 93,000 of my close friends will be watching us run shit. I am so excited that I am thinking about, get this, arriving a couple hours early, and drinking in the parking lot. Its kind of a wacky plan I know, but it has massive potential.

Normally here I would provide some crucial ass statistical analysis of some of the finer points of the match up that the bozos on ESPN will omit from their so-called "analysis."(if Team A executes on offense, they will have a chance to win! really? thank god we have experts like Chris Carter) Unforntunately, I am over stimulated from the excitement. Check back later for some bomb insight.

Hail Victory!


J. M. Keynes said...

I am seriously considering putting a large amount of money on the skins this game. they have yet to lose by less than 14. However, know this, any bet by me on a team almost surely guarantees their defeat.

Unknown said...

I would just like to point out I saw Cris Carter on an episode of "Living Single" the other day. Yeah...