Monday, October 20, 2008

What a weekend

Hope everybody crushed life this weekend. I actually got crushed by the following items:

1. My old friend alcohol (the cause of and solution to all of life's problems).

2. An unscrupulous ticket scalper who sold me 5 tickets above face value to see the Capitals lose to the Devils, 3 of which were fake. Well played, sir.

Also hosted a successful rager (and legs were swept), played some 9am Thunderball, drank 40s while waiting for a table at a local family establishment, and almost lost to the fucking Browns. Almost.

Let get this week started with a Kanye jam.

PS - Quick shout out to my friends from Beantown (or New Hampshire) - dagger of a game 7 loss but think about it, it could be worse, you could be an O's fan (or Nats!).

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